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  • Why Hire Union Labor?
    Posted On: Jan 03, 2024

    When you hire IATSE Stagehands you are hiring more than a labor force.

    You are hiring men and women with experience, who arrive on time, with the right tools, and who want the production to go just as smoothly as you do.

    IATSE Local 115, chartered in 1904, has close to 200 members and three times that number in our referral database available to work with you.

    Our contracts include all SMG Jacksonville Facilities, The Florida Theatre, Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra, Wilson Center for the Performing Arts, St. Augustine Amphitheatre, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall, Thrasher Horne Center, and many others.

    Production staff are key to production quality, which is #1 in affecting bottom line revenue. We are the source for the most highly trained, professional, experienced labor in the area; some of our members have national reputations and many have experience in venues worldwide.

    Retaining and attracting quality staff can be central to the efficiency of production budgets, again a key to bottom line performance. Our contracts promote employment of professional, quality staff with better wages, benefits, and work conditions. 

    Any production business has to deal with constantly changing labor needs.  Any production’s labor force fluctuates daily. Access to the Local 115 referral list, will supply staff or over-hire labor on a 24-hour basis, trained, experienced, and reliable. 

    Our contracts are in most of the best venues and with the most professional employees in the area. Association with Local 115 attracts better employees to all our venues.  They learn, not only from our training program, but also on the job, from their peers and from other industry professionals, and take that experience to all the venues where they work.

    Other benefits of hiring your crew from IATSE Local 115 are:

    1. Association with staff professionals in other area prime venues.
    2. Access to professional training through Local 115's Training Opportunities, and our partnership with Florida State College at Jacksonville's Entertainment Technology Certificate program.
    3. Access to the extensive knowledge base and professional contacts of Local 115 members, who are open to consultation on any kind of technical problems.
    4. We are members of area political groups, and stay active in relevant political developments.
    5. Our relationship with the UTP Group, Inc allows you to write one check and leave the payroll issues to someone else.
    6. If you wish to do your own payroll, our office will help you collect any documentation that you may need.

    If you need labor for your production,
    Please email our Business Agent Saul Lucio at slucio@iatse-115.com.
    Or call our "hotline" at 904-372-3115.

  • The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, Its Territories and Canada (IATSE)

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